quotation造句 quotation怎么做

别离伤人醉佳人2022-12-08  32

导读:quotation造句Her lecture was overweighted with quotations .她的演讲引文太多。You fitly begin with an elegant quotation .你用一句绝妙的引文很恰…


Her lecture was overweighted with quotations .

她的演讲引文太多。You fitly begin with an elegant quotation .

你用一句绝妙的引文很恰当地开始。Quotations are prefixed to the chapters .

各章前头附有引文。Some quotations he carried verbatim in his mind .

有些引语他是逐字背诵下来的。I padded out my answer with plenty of quotations .

我用了大量引文填补我的答案。This quotation is taken from a newspaper article ...

这段引文是从报上抄录来的。I 've got it. it is a quotation from chairman mao .

想起来了,这是毛主席的语录。These quotations cannot readily be traced to their sources .

这些引语很难查出出自何处。Can you give me a quotation for building a garage ?

你能不能给我一张建造汽车间的估价单?The quotation is omited here .

此处引文从略。It's difficult to see quotation in a sentence. 用quotation造句挺难的I finally tracked down the reference in a dictionary of quotations .

我终于在引语词典中查到了那段引文。The insurance company requires three quotations for repairs to the car .

保险公司要三家修理这辆汽车的报价单。The final words of the acard working group merit quotation in full .

咨询委员会工作小组的结束语值得在这里全文引用。I tried for a while to list the quotations on an interminable amount of stock .

我勉强列了一会那些不计其数的股票行情。Here are some notes to help you to understand the quotation from shakespear .

这里有几条注释会帮助你们理解引用的莎士比亚的这句话Situations, scenes and quotations in the book stuck in his mind for the rest of his life .

他能永远记忆着书中的情节、场面和名言隽句。Two stained glass windows in the ballroom were engraved with quotation from shakespeare .

舞厅里的两扇彩色玻璃窗上镌刻着莎士比亚的隽句。It is unwise to use abbreviations in quotations or in contracts which might be subject to misunderstanding .

在报价或合同中,使用容易被误解的缩写是不明智的。These fragmentary quotations show the impressions prevailing almost from hour to hour at the supreme headquarters .

这类片断引语表明最高统帅部里几乎每个小时所感到的印象。The type of hundredweight or ton should be clearly stated in quotations and in sales confirmations .



Anne could not immediately fall into a quotation again. the sweet scenes of autumn were for a while put by .

安妮当即再也背诵不出什么诗句了。一时间,秋天宜人景色被置诸脑后。This quotation suggests in part what lifts poe out of the ruck: namely, the quality of intelligence and self-awareness .

这段话部分说明了坡不同于俗辈,那就是说,他才气过人,又有自知之明。This quotation illustrated what the british sometimes refers to as "the pretentious illiteracy of the americans" .

这段引文为英国人有时说的那种“美国人说话装腔作势”提供了一个生动的例证。I won their gratitude by buying out all the hogs at the lump sum of sixteen pennies, which was rather above latest quotations .

我花了十六个便士,把那些猪包圆儿了,真叫他们感激不尽,按照最近的行市,这个价钱倒是未免太高了。And in his essay "on a certain condescension in foreigners", he makes it plain that he is an american though with all the appropriate quotations from european literature at his elbow .

在他的《外国人的某种谦逊》一文里,他清清楚楚说他是个美国人,虽然他引用起欧洲文学的章句来易如反掌。His quotation from shakespeare is appropriate

他引用莎士比亚的话是恰如其分的。 Variable must be enclosed in quotation marks

变量的任何文本必须括在引号( " )中。 For quotation information of our service , please visit our

有关服务报价,请访问Displays the string inside the double quotation marks

显示双引号( " )内的字符串。 Thank you for your quotation for the refrigerators

感谢你方寄来的电冰箱报价函。 It's difficult to see quotation in a sentence. 用quotation造句挺难的4 . all the quotations are subject to our final confirmation

这些价格还需最后确认To place quotation marks in a string in your code

在代码中将引号放置于字符串中On the theory and method of literary quotation research

典故研究的理论与方法概谈Must be delimited by brackets or quotation marks

请注意,必须使用括号或引号分隔Amand : i ' d like to have your lowest quotations

阿曼达:我想请你们报最低价格。 Variable , the text must be enclosed in quotation marks

变量时,文本必须用双引号( Proper use of quotation marks around attribute values

属性值左右引号的正确使用Our quotation is subject to a 4 % commission

我方报价包括百分之四的佣金在内。 Look up the quotation from 1 timothy 6 : 10

请阅读一下提摩太前书6 : 10中的提问。 The string must be enclosed in single quotation marks

字符串必须以单引号( )引起。


Become one quotation mark in the string

前面的两个引号将变为字符串中的一个引号。 The quotation of very long passages should be avoided

应该避免摘引非常长的段落。 All quotations are from the new international version

所有的问题都出自新国际版。 Contains one or more single quotation mark characters

包含一个或多个单引号字符。 Thought of that quotation , " on what meat .

.我想到了这样的话语“到底是何种肉Basically be you did not understand exchange quotations

主要是你没看懂外汇行情。 Our quotation is subject to a 3 % commission

我方报价包括百分之三的佣金在内。 Download the quotation form and fax to us at 27893329

报价表格,然后传真至27893329 All the quotations are subject to our final confirmation

这些价格还需最后确认Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase

使用引号搜索确切的搜索词。 It's difficult to see quotation in a sentence. 用quotation造句挺难的



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